Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hitler the rise of evil movie

Hitler, the rise of evil - the movie
Hugh wanted to watch this. I hate watching any Hitler movies. Hitler kicked my family out of Germany because my grandfather wouldn't take part in the war, wouldn't fight and didn't support what Hitler was doing. They were given 48 hours to leave the country, a one-way ticket out, one suitcase for each person and that's it. It split the family. My father came out with his father, stepmother, and stepsister. The other kids stayed behind in Switzerland with friends of the family. My father only found out about his other stepbrother some 50-odd years later when he was living in Germany doing a foreign attache job in Bonn.  I suppose if Hitler didn't do this, I would not exist because my mom and dad wouldn't have met and wouldn't have married. So who do I have to thank?

My dad died earlier this year.  Click here for some pics of him and my mom when they got married. Wilfrid Wilker in memoriam

You can click on either of the images if you wish to buy the movie or the book.  The one is Loot , the other Kalahari online shops

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